Building Permit Process

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City of Raymond Building Permit Process

Any new structure or remodel/repair/work done in the City of Raymond will require a permit. This includes electrical, building, plumbing, and heating.  For homeowners doing the work themselves, we figure price of material times two would equal material plus labor.  The City of Raymond valuation table will be used in those cases where it applies. 

Permits will need to be applied for at City Hall of Raymond, 101 1st St., Raymond IA  50667.  Office Hours are Monday 7am-5 pm, Tuesday-Thursday 7am-11:30am, 12:30pm-4pm, Friday 7am-11:00am.  City Hall phone #319-232-6153.

Permits will need to be paid for at time of issuance.  This includes electrical, plumbing and heating.  Check and cash accepted.  Checks are payable to the City of Raymond.

Site plans are required for additions, new homes, decks, and accessory structures showing dimensions from the structure to lot lines.

You are required to obtain a sewer hook-up fee of $150.00 and a water hook-up fee of $150.00 before a permit will be issued for a new house.

Inspections take place between 8:30 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday.  To speak with Building Inspector Steve Santomauro or schedule an inspection, call 319-493-0428.  The remainder of the day, the messages will go into an inspector’s voice mail.  Please allow 24-hour notice for inspections.

 All building contractors need to be registered with INRCOG.